Each of us has a story. This story is the journey we call our life, and within that life is a song… It’s your Heart Song.
It takes a lot of years, sometimes not much (If you’re lucky) to fully understand and appreciate that each person we encounter, from the sales attendant at the supermarket to the people with whom we have relationships, comes into our lives for a reason or a season, to teach us something or for us to teach them. These lessons may be contained in a moment of simple kindness or courtesy, a smile or shared laughter, or something far greater. Sometimes people, moments, or experiences come to help us find our heart song.

What is a Heart Song?
A heart song is something that you, as an individual, has to offer to the world. A unique idea or messages that will help others get a better life. It is something lying on your heart burning to be told to others. It is something that you are destined to do. It is your connection to the Divine, it’s that which makes your inner light shine; it’s your soul’s true purpose in life, which will benefit yourself and others.
We must all find our heart song because only then will we find our true identity. Our heart songs will enable us find positive solutions for real life problems.
If you haven’t found it yet, listen deeply to your inner Self.

Finding Your Heart Song
Let go of chatter, noise, distractions, roles, ideas, labels, and negative energy.
Be prepared to dive into your pain, loss, regret, love, joy and be prepared to surrender everything – the people, places, things, beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you in order to find this knowledge.
What holds you back from finding it? It’s simple enough to say, that energetically – everything is either FEAR or LOVE, and while this is true – there are situations where fear can serve us, if only we can listen, in brief moments to our Heart song.
In between all the things that do not work in your life, you will hear it – in moments of silence, solitude or when you are at peace; the song plays.
And, in other ways, it sits hidden beneath the layers of life, waiting for us in down moments – in loss, illness, addiction, affliction, brokenness, depression, failed relationships, financial crisis, and so much more. Are you listening? What is it trying to tell you?
Your Heart Song will affirm that you are on track or speak loudly in a multitude of ways that you, my dear – have gone off course. It asks, “Are you listening?”
But your logical mind, dripping in fear says, “If I do, then what?”

Listen to Your Heart Song
Awakening takes courage and responsibility. Sometimes it means leaving others behind, or walking away from all the things we’ve built in our lives. It just all depends on how far you’ve been off your path, how long it’s been since you listened to your Heart Song.
It’s OK, but just ask yourself – When was the last time you heard it?
When you were 5 years old and played with sand? When you were 10 years old, playing the piano? When you were 16 and got admission? When you were 20 and traveled for NYSC? When you were 40 and your marriage fell apart? When you were 60 and lonely because your kids are married? Did you hear it then, and did you finally listen?
What did it tell you? What is it you were meant to do with this one wild and precious life? You know. You’ve always known, but the answer contains all the words you are afraid to speak, because you think that if you say it out loud, it will float out into the real world, away from your secret thoughts and dreams and then what on earth will you do?
Only you truly have the answer that fits your life, this is your Heart Song, which is as unique and precious as you are. But let me say this, take a look at someone you know (or know of) who lives a life filled with joy and purpose, a life of their dreams (or yours) – I promise you, they have listened to the sound of their Heart, its song plays loud and clear, and yours can too.

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