
Throughout our lives, we will probably encounter many situations which will cause symptoms of stress, anxiety and sometimes depression. If you can get through these situations, cope well and keep yourself afloat, you have strong *emotional resilience.*
When you have strong emotional resilience you cannot only “bounce back” from setbacks, such as suffering a bereavement, serious illness or being made redundant, but can *adapt* in the face of today’s challenging circumstances, while maintaining stable mental wellbeing.

If you lack emotional resilience, you may dwell on problems, become easily overwhelmed or rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol or excessive eating. And of course, it’s difficult to give 100% in all aspects of life when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Here are a few tips on how to develop your resilience:

1. Learn to relax.

2. Practice thought awareness.

3. Edit your outlook.

4. Admit and learn from your mistakes and failures.

5. Choose your response.

6. Maintain your perspective, but be tolerant of others.

7. Set yourself some goals.

8. Build your self-confidence.

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